Page 89 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
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Stock Listing Information         Dividends                        Forward-looking Statements
Southwest Gas Corporation         Dividends on common stock        This Annual Report contains
(Company) common stock            are declared quarterly by        forward-looking statements
is listed on the New York         the Board of Directors and       regarding the Company’s
Stock Exchange under the          are generally payable on         current expectations. These
ticker symbol “SWX.” Quotes       the first day of March, June,    statements are subject to a
may be obtained in daily          September, and December.         variety of risks that could cause
financial newspapers or some                                       actual results to differ materially
local newspapers where it         Investor Relations               from expectations. These risks
is sometimes listed under         The Company is committed         and uncertainties include, in
“SoWestGas,” or on our website    to providing relevant and        addition to those discussed
at                 complete investment              herein, all factors discussed in
                                  information to shareholders,     the Company’s Annual Report on
Annual Meeting                    individual investors, and        Form 10-K for the year 2015.
The Annual Meeting of             members of the investment
Shareholders will be held on      community. Copies of the
May 4, 2016, at 4 p.m.            Company’s 2015 Annual Report
at Cili Restaurant at             on Form 10-K, without exhibits,
Bali Hai Golf Club                as filed with the Securities and
5160 Las Vegas Blvd., South       Exchange Commission may be
Las Vegas, NV 89119               obtained from our Corporate
                                  Secretary upon request free
Dividend Reinvestment and         of charge. Additional requests
Stock Purchase Plan               of a financial nature should be
Our Dividend Reinvestment and     directed to Kenneth J. Kenny,
Stock Purchase Plan (DRSPP)       Investor Relations, Southwest
provides the Company’s            Gas Corporation, P. O. Box
shareholders, natural gas         98510, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510
customers, employees, and         or by calling 702-876-7237.
residents of Arizona, Nevada,
and California with a simple and  Additional Company information
convenient method of purchasing   is available at
the Company’s common              For non-financial information,
stock and investing cash          please call 702-876-7011.
dividends in additional shares
without payment of brokerage      Transfer Agent and Registrar
commissions.                      Wells Fargo Shareowner Services
                                  P.O. Box 64874
DRSPP features include a          St. Paul, MN 55164-9942
minimum initial investment
of $250, up to a maximum of       Auditors
$100,000 annually, automatic      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
investing, no commissions on      3800 Howard Hughes Parkway
purchases, and the safekeeping    Suite 650
of common stock certificates.      Las Vegas, NV 89169
For more information contact:
Wells Fargo Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64856
St. Paul, MN 55164-0874
or call 1-800-331-1119
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