Page 36 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 36

                                       CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                            (Thousands of dollars, except par value)

December 31,                                                                          2015        2014

ASSETS                                                     $ 5,854,917 $ 5,556,599
Utility plant:
Gas plant                                                  (2,084,007) (1,973,098)

   Less: accumulated depreciation                                                     370 550
   Acquisition adjustments, net
   Construction work in progress                                                      119,805     74,332

      Net utility plant (Note 2)                           3,891,085 3,658,383

Other property and investments (Note 1)                                               313,531     326,743

Restricted cash                                                                             — 821

Current assets:                                                                        35,997      39,566
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                          314,512     281,824
   Accounts receivable, net of allowances (Note 3)
   Accrued utility revenue                                                             74,700      73,900
   Income taxes receivable, net                                                        34,175      21,853
   Deferred income taxes, net (Note 12)
   Deferred purchased gas costs (Note 4)                                                       —     2,109
   Prepaids and other current assets (Notes 1, 4, and 13)                                3,591     87,556
                                                                                       95,199      99,803
      Total current assets
                                                                                      558,174     606,611
Noncurrent assets:
   Goodwill (Note 1)                                                                  126,145     143,160
   Deferred income taxes (Note 12)                                                          428            —
   Deferred charges and other assets (Notes 2, 4, and 13)
                                                                                      469,322     472,579
      Total noncurrent assets
                                                                                      595,895     615,739
   Total assets
                                                           $ 5,358,685 $ 5,208,297

Southwest Gas Corporation
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