Page 52 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 52

Subsequent Events. Management of the Company monitors events occurring after the balance sheet date and
prior to the issuance of the financial statements to determine the impacts, if any, of events on the financial
statements to be issued or disclosures to be made, and has reflected them where appropriate.

Note 2 – Utility Plant and Leases
Net utility plant as of December 31, 2015 and 2014 was as follows (thousands of dollars):

December 31,                                                                               2015          2014

Gas plant:                                                                                 $ 22,944      $ 22,531
   Storage                                                                                      312,996       312,300
   Distribution                                                                              4,935,730     4,655,640
   General                                                                                      365,865       356,072
   Software and software-related intangibles                                                    203,323       196,035
   Other                                                                                         14,059        14,021

Less: accumulated depreciation                                                             5,854,917     5,556,599
Acquisition adjustments, net                                                               (2,084,007)   (1,973,098)
Construction work in progress
                                                                                                    370           550
                                                                                              119,805         74,332

Net utility plant                                                                          $ 3,891,085 $ 3,658,383

Utility plant depreciation is computed on the straight-line remaining life method at composite rates considered
sufficient to amortize costs over estimated service lives, including components which compensate for removal
costs (net of salvage value), and retirements, based on the processes of regulatory proceedings and related
regulatory commission approvals and/or mandates. In 2015, annual depreciation and amortization expense
averaged 3.6% of the original cost of depreciable and amortizable property. Average rates in 2014 and 2013 also
approximated 3.6% on average.

Depreciation and amortization expense on gas plant, including intangibles, was as follows (thousands of dollars):

                                              2015                                         2014          2013

Depreciation and amortization expense         $201,233 $194,360 $185,283

Included in the figures above is amortization of intangibles of $12.7 million in 2015, $11.7 million in 2014, and
$10.3 million in 2013.

Operating Leases and Rentals. The Company leases certain office and construction equipment. The majority of
these leases are short-term and accounted for as operating leases. For the gas segment, these leases are also
treated as operating leases for regulatory purposes. Centuri has various short-term operating leases of equipment
and temporary office sites. The table below presents Southwest’s rental payments and Centuri’s lease payments
that are included in operating expenses (in thousands):

                                              2015 2014 2013

Southwest Gas                                 $ 4,186 $ 5,330 $ 8,308
Centuri                                        45,849 30,012 27,118

Consolidated rental payments/lease expense    $50,035 $35,342 $35,426

Southwest Gas Corporation
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