Page 56 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 56

Note 5 – Other Comprehensive Income and Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (“AOCI”)
The following information provides insight into amounts impacting Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), both
before and after-tax, within the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, which also impact
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income in the Company’s Consolidated Balance Sheets and Consolidated
Statements of Equity, as well as the Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest.

Related Tax Effects Allocated to Each Component of Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

(Thousands of dollars)              2015                              2014                              2013

                                           Tax                 Before- Tax Net-of-           Before- Tax Net-of-
                           Before- (Expense) Net-of-             Tax (Expense) Tax             Tax (Expense) Tax

                             Tax or Tax                        Amount or Benefit (1) Amount  Amount or Benefit (1) Amount
                           Amount Benefit (1) Amount

Defined benefit pension


Net actuarial gain/(loss) $(30,519) $ 11,597 $(18,922) $(173,646) $ 65,985 $(107,661) $ 100,345 $(38,131) $ 62,214

Amortization of prior

service cost               1,335 (507) 828                     355 (135)       220 355 (135) 220

Amortization of net

actuarial (gain)/loss      34,381 (13,065) 21,316 23,656 (8,989) 14,667 34,177 (12,987) 21,190

Prior service cost         —              —  — (6,661) 2,531                   (4,130)       —                —  —

Regulatory adjustment (5,646) 2,146 (3,500) 140,308 (53,317) 86,991 (123,630) 46,979 (76,651)

Pension plans other         (449) 171 (278) (15,988)                  6,075    (9,913) 11,247 (4,274) 6,973
   comprehensive           3,344 (1,271) 2,073 3,345                  (1,272)  2,073 3,345 (1,271) 2,074
   income (loss)

Forward-starting interest
   rate swaps (“FSIRS”)
   (designated hedging

Amounts reclassified
   into net income

FSIRS other compre-        3,344 (1,271) 2,073                 3,345 (1,272)   2,073 3,345 (1,271) 2,074
   hensive income (loss)
                           (1,954)        — (1,954)            (659)        —  (659)         —                —  —
Foreign currency trans-
   lation adjustments:

Translation adjustments

Foreign currency other


income (loss)              (1,954)        — (1,954)            (659)        — (659)          —                —  —

Total other compre-
   hensive income (loss) $ 941 $ (1,100) $ (159) $ (13,302) $ 4,803 $ (8,499) $ 14,592 $ (5,545) $ 9,047

(1) Tax amounts are calculated using a 38% rate. The Company has elected to indefinitely reinvest the earnings of Centuri’s
      Canadian subsidiaries in Canada, thus preventing deferred taxes on such earnings. As a result of this assertion, the
      Company is not recognizing any tax effect or presenting a tax expense or benefit for the currency translation adjustment
      amount reported in Other Comprehensive Income, as repatriation of earnings is not anticipated.

The estimated amounts that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income or regulatory assets
into net periodic benefit cost over the next year are summarized below (in thousands):

                           Retirement plan net actuarial loss                                $ 25,000
                           SERP net actuarial loss                                               1,400
                           PBOP net actuarial loss                                                 400
                           PBOP prior service cost                                               1,300

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