Page 59 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 59

debentures and fixed-rate IDRBs are categorized as Level 2 (observable market inputs based on market prices of
similar securities). The Centuri secured revolving credit and term loan facility and Centuri other debt obligations
(not actively traded) are categorized as Level 3, based on significant unobservable inputs to their fair values. Since
Centuri’s debt is not publicly traded, fair values for the secured revolving credit and term loan facility and other
debt obligations were based on a conventional discounted cash flow methodology and utilized current market
pricing yield curves, across Centuri’s debt maturity spectrum, of other industrial bonds with an assumed credit
rating comparable to the Company’s.

December 31,                                        2015                        2014

(Thousands of dollars)                              Carrying        Market      Carrying     Market
                                                    Amount          Value       Amount       Value
   Notes, 4.45%, due 2020                           $ 125,000 $130,273 $ 125,000 $133,403
   Notes, 6.1%, due 2041
   Notes, 3.875%, due 2022                          125,000 141,581 125,000 157,290
   Notes, 4.875%, due 2043
   8% Series, due 2026                              250,000 253,600 250,000 262,030
   Medium-term notes, 7.59% series, due 2017
   Medium-term notes, 7.78% series, due 2022        250,000 251,483 250,000 280,903
   Medium-term notes, 7.92% series, due 2027
   Medium-term notes, 6.76% series, due 2027        75,000 97,035               75,000 102,296
   Unamortized discount and debt issuance costs
                                                    25,000 26,253               25,000 27,573
Revolving credit facility and commercial paper
Industrial development revenue bonds:               25,000 29,855               25,000 31,144

   Variable-rate bonds:                             25,000 31,890               25,000 33,695
      Tax-exempt Series A, due 2028
      2003 Series A, due 2038                       7,500           8,684       7,500        9,156
      2008 Series A, due 2038
      2009 Series A, due 2039                       (6,137)                     (6,604)

   Fixed-rate bonds:                                901,363                     900,896
      5.25% 2003 Series D, due 2038
      5.00% 2004 Series B, due 2033                 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
      4.85% 2005 Series A, due 2035
      4.75% 2006 Series A, due 2036                 50,000          50,000      50,000       50,000
      Unamortized discount and debt issuance costs  50,000          50,000      50,000       50,000
                                                    50,000          50,000      50,000       50,000
Centuri term loan facility                          50,000          50,000      50,000       50,000
Unamortized debt issuance costs
                                                                 —           —   20,000       20,277
Centuri secured revolving credit facility                        —           —   31,200       31,223
Centuri other debt obligations                          100,000     100,452     100,000      100,071
                                                          24,855     25,130      24,855       25,399
Less: current maturities                                   (3,946)                (5,964)
Long-term debt, less current maturities                                                      143,021
                                                        320,909                 370,091
                                                        112,571     112,665     142,071       31,127
                                                             (692)                   (816)

                                                        111,879                 141,255

                                                          60,627    60,724      57,196
                                                          25,901    26,059      31,128

                                                     1,570,679                  1,650,566
                                                         (19,475)                  (19,192)

                                                    $1,551,204                  $1,631,374

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