Page 79 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 79

The financial information pertaining to the natural gas operations and construction services segments for each of
the three years in the period ended December 31, 2015 is as follows (thousands of dollars):

2015                                      Gas Construction    Adjustments      Total
Revenues from unaffiliated customers  Operations Services                  $2,359,509
Intersegment sales
                                      $1,454,639 $ 904,870                     104,116
   Total                                           — 104,116               $2,463,625
Interest revenue                                                           $ 2,173
Interest expense                      $1,454,639 $1,008,986                $ 71,879
Depreciation and amortization                                              $ 270,111
Income tax expense                    $ 1,754 $  419                       $ 79,902
Segment net income                                                         $ 138,317
Segment assets                        $ 64,095 $ 7,784                     $5,358,685
Capital expenditures                                                       $ 488,000
                                      $ 213,455 $ 56,656

                                      $ 61,355 $ 18,547

                                      $ 111,625 $ 26,692

                                      $4,822,845 $ 535,840

                                      $ 438,289 $ 49,711

2014                                      Gas Construction                 Total
Revenues from unaffiliated customers  Operations Services Adjustments (a)
Intersegment sales
                                      $1,382,087 $ 647,432                 $2,029,519
   Total                                           — 92,188                      92,188
Interest revenue
Interest expense                      $1,382,087 $ 739,620                 $2,121,707
Depreciation and amortization
Income tax expense                    $ 2,596 $  6                         $ 2,602
Segment net income
Segment assets                        $ 68,299 $ 3,770                     $ 72,069
Capital expenditures
                                      $ 204,144 $ 48,883                   $ 253,027

                                      $ 63,597 $ 14,776                    $ 78,373

                                      $ 116,872 $ 24,254                   $ 141,126

                                      $4,652,307 $ 566,589 $(10,599) $5,208,297

                                      $ 350,025 $ 46,873                   $ 396,898

2013                                      Gas Construction                 Total
Revenues from unaffiliated customers  Operations Services Adjustments (b)
Intersegment sales
                                      $1,300,154 $ 562,475                 $1,862,629
   Total                                           — 88,153                      88,153
Interest revenue
Interest expense                      $1,300,154 $ 650,628                 $1,950,782
Depreciation and amortization
Income tax expense                    $ 456 $    5                         $ 461
Segment net income
Segment assets                        $ 62,555 $ 1,145                     $ 63,700
Capital expenditures
                                      $ 193,848 $ 42,969                   $ 236,817

                                      $ 65,377 $ 12,565                    $ 77,942

                                      $ 124,169 $ 21,151                   $ 145,320

                                      $4,272,029 $ 293,811 $ (666) $4,565,174

                                      $ 314,578 $ 49,698                   $ 364,276

Southwest Gas Corporation
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