Page 65 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 65

The following table sets forth the retirement plan, SERP, and PBOP funded statuses and amounts recognized on
the Consolidated Balance Sheets and Consolidated Statements of Income.

                                                         2015  PBOP                            2014         PBOP

                                       Qualified                             Qualified
                                   Retirement Plan SERP                  Retirement Plan SERP

(Thousands of dollars)             $1,060,240      $ 41,176 $ 72,202     $ 886,714       $ 36,143 $ 58,020
                                         25,123                                21,360
Change in benefit obligations            44,229    320 1,641                   43,440    292 1,101
   Benefit obligation for service               —                                     —
      rendered to date at               (44,553)   1,695 2,999                           1,745 2,829
      beginning of year (PBO/           (40,222)                             144,606
      PBO/APBO)                                                ——             (35,880)               — 6,661
   Service cost
   Interest cost                                   2,322 (3,251)                         5,459 4,567
   Plan amendments
   Actuarial loss (gain)                           (2,793)     (959)                     (2,463)            (976)
   Benefits paid
                                   1,044,817       42,720 72,632 1,060,240               41,176 72,202
   Benefit obligation at end of
      year (PBO/PBO/APBO)

Change in plan assets              754,796               —     44,892    719,944               —            42,314
   Market value of plan assets at   (13,694)             —      (1,034)   34,732               —             2,859
      beginning of year             36,000         2,793                  36,000         2,463                     —
   Actual return on plan assets     (40,222)       (2,793)            —   (35,880)       (2,463)               (281)
   Employer contributions                                         (274)
   Benefits paid
                                   736,880                     — 43,584  754,796                     — 44,892
   Market value of plan assets at
      end of year                  $ (307,937) $(42,720) $(29,048) $ (305,444) $(41,176) $(27,310)

   Funded status at year end

Weighted-average assumptions       4.50%           4.50%       4.50%     4.25%           4.25%              4.25%
   (benefit obligation)            3.25%           3.25%        N/A      2.75%           2.75%               N/A
   Discount rate
   Weighted-average rate of
      compensation increase

Estimated funding for the plans above during calendar year 2016 is approximately $39 million of which $36 million
pertains to the retirement plan. Management monitors plan assets and liabilities and could, at its discretion,
increase plan funding levels above the minimum in order to achieve a desired funded status and avoid or minimize
potential benefit restrictions.

The accumulated benefit obligation for the retirement plan and the SERP is presented below (in thousands):

                                                                         December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014

Retirement plan                                                          $922,992        $886,215
SERP                                                                        39,270          39,125

Southwest Gas Corporation
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