Work continues to replace the existing natural gas infrastructure and abandon or replace services in the area from 7th Street to 13th Street, between McDowell Road and Oak Street. Southwest Gas has contracted with Arizona Pipeline to perform this work which is estimated to be complete in Spring 2021.
A majority of the main pipeline has been installed in the project area, and service crews are currently working to install and tie-over individual services. Current Southwest Gas customers should not experience a disruption in service, unless notified. You can expect:
- Utility locators to mark existing utilities and crews to document existing conditions.
- Crews to coordinate work near driveways and side streets to provide access to residences.
- For Southwest Gas customers, ProPipe, a subcontractor to Arizona Pipeline, may video inspect residential sewer lines to ensure they are conflict free. Crews will need access to the existing gas meter locations on your property.
- Restoration of disturbed areas will take place prior to project completion.
- Roads to remain open for travel; however, a flagger operation may be in place to assist travelers through the work area. Signage may be in place to restrict parking near the work zone. Southwest Gas is committed to providing its customers with safe and reliable natural gas. For additional information, contact our project hotline at
. Thank you for your continued patience during this work.