Construction Alert

Thank you for your patience during this work.

Broadway Boulevard and Craycroft Road

Broadway Image
Starting Late June 2017
A contractor for Southwest Gas will begin pipeline  improvement work in the area near Broadway Boulevard  and Craycroft Road. Work will also take place near Williams  Boulevard and in the neighborhoods east and west of  Craycroft Road. 

Work is expected to take place between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.,  Monday through Saturday, however, extended hours may  be necessary as the project moves forward. There will be  nighttime roadway work and a 24-hour westbound bus lane  closure on Broadway Blvd. The project is expected to be  completed in late Fall 2017.
You may be impacted by road restrictions while this work takes place, including:
  • 24-hour westbound bus lane closure on Broadway 
    Boulevard between Beverly and Leonora avenues
  • Temporary relocation of bus stops 
Vehicular access to businesses and residences will  be maintained.  
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the project hotline at 1-844-258-7481.
Construction Project Safety Tips Icon
Working together, you can help us provide safe and reliable natural gas service 24/7. Review these simple tips and familiarize yourself with some basic natural gas safety rules.

Southern Arizona LNG Storage Facility

We are upgrading our infrastructure with the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility near Tucson, AZ. To learn more about the project and the benefits it will bring to customers in the area, click here .

How to identify an Employee or Contractor

Southwest Gas technicians and contractors may show up unexpectedly for leak surveys or maintenance. Their identity can be verified using their badge with the Southwest Gas logo or contractor logo. All personnel will be in a company uniform and their vehicle will be branded with the same logos. The specific logos can be found on our how to identify an employee or contractor page.