Page 72 - SWGas Annual Report 2015
P. 72

The average grant date fair value of performance shares and restricted stock/units granted in 2014 and 2013 was
$53.73 and $44.83, respectively.

As of December 31, 2015, total compensation cost related to nonvested performance shares and restricted stock/
units not yet recognized is $3.3 million.

Note 12 – Income Taxes
The following is a summary of income before taxes and noncontrolling interest for domestic and foreign operations
(thousands of dollars):

Year ended December 31,                                                         2015      2014      2013
Foreign                                                                         $221,660 $221,471 $222,815
Total income before income taxes
                                                                                (2,328) (1,950)                 —

                                                                                $219,332 $219,521 $222,815

Income tax expense (benefit) consists of the following (thousands of dollars):  2015 2014 2013

Year Ended December 31,                                                         $21,321 $ 1,739 $ 3,549
                                                                                9,899 5,073 5,107
   State                                                                              650 2,193                 —
                                                                                31,870 9,005 8,656
   Federal                                                                      51,132    71,439    67,414
   State                                                                         (2,574)      614    1,872
   Foreign                                                                                                 —
                                                                                   (526)   (2,685)
Total income tax expense
                                                                                48,032 69,368 69,286

                                                                                $79,902 $78,373 $77,942

Deferred income tax expense (benefit) consists of the following significant components (thousands of dollars):

Year Ended December 31,                                                         2015 2014 2013

Deferred federal and state:                                                     $ 65,931 $52,814    $62,737
   Property-related items                                                        (32,993) 15,049     16,189
   Purchased gas cost adjustments                                                     623 109         (2,769)
   Employee benefits                                                              15,332 2,257        (6,010)
   All other deferred
                                                                                48,893 70,229 70,147
Total deferred federal and state                                                   (861) (861) (861)
Deferred ITC, net
                                                                                $ 48,032 $69,368 $69,286
Total deferred income tax expense

Southwest Gas Corporation
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77